Learning Resources
The Redux docs are intended to teach the basic concepts of Redux, as well as explain key concepts for use in real-world applications. However, the docs can't cover everything. Happily, there are many other great resources available for learning Redux. We encourage you to check them out. Many of them cover topics that are beyond the scope of the docs, or describe the same topics in other ways that may work better for your learning style.
This page includes our recommendations for some of the best external resources available to learn Redux. For an additional extensive list of tutorials, articles, and other resources on React, Redux, Javascript, and related topics, see the React/Redux Links list.
Basic Introductions
Tutorials that teach the basic concepts of Redux and how to use it
Getting Started with Redux - Video Series https://egghead.io/series/getting-started-with-redux https://github.com/tayiorbeii/egghead.io_redux_course_notes Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux, demonstrates various concepts in 30 short (2-5 minute) videos. The linked Github repo contains notes and transcriptions of the videos.
Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux - Video Series https://egghead.io/series/building-react-applications-with-idiomatic-redux https://github.com/tayiorbeii/egghead.io_idiomatic_redux_course_notes Dan Abramov's second video tutorial series, continuing directly after the first. Includes lessons on store initial state, using Redux with React Router, using "selector" functions, normalizing state, use of Redux middleware, async action creators, and more. The linked Github repo contains notes and transcriptions of the videos.
Live React: Hot Reloading and Time Travel http://youtube.com/watch?v=xsSnOQynTHs Dan Abramov's original conference talk that introduced Redux. See how constraints enforced by Redux make hot reloading with time travel easy
A Cartoon Guide to Redux https://code-cartoons.com/a-cartoon-intro-to-redux-3afb775501a6 A high-level description of Redux, with friendly cartoons to help illustrate the ideas.
Leveling Up with React: Redux https://css-tricks.com/learning-react-redux/ A very well-written introduction to Redux and its related concepts, with some nifty cartoon-ish diagrams.
An Introduction to Redux https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/06/an-introduction-to-redux/ An overview and intro to the basic concepts of Redux. Looks at the benefits of using Redux, how it differs from MVC or Flux, and its relation to functional programming.
Redux Tutorial https://www.pshrmn.com/tutorials/react/redux/ A short, clear tutorial that introduces basic Redux terms, shows how to split reducer functions, and describes the Redux store API.
Redux: From Twitter Hype to Production http://slides.com/jenyaterpil/redux-from-twitter-hype-to-production#/ An extremely well-produced slideshow that visually steps through core Redux concepts, usage with React, project organization, and side effects with thunks and sagas. Has some absolutely fantastic animated diagrams demonstrating how data flows through a React+Redux architecture.
DevGuides: Introduction to Redux http://devguides.io/redux/ A tutorial that covers several aspects of Redux, including actions, reducers, usage with React, and middleware.
Using Redux With React
Explanations of the React-Redux bindings and the connect
Why Redux is Useful in React Apps
An explanation of some of the benefits of using Redux with React, including sharing data between components and hot module reloading.
What Does Redux Do? (and when should you use it?) https://daveceddia.com/what-does-redux-do/ An excellent summary of how Redux helps solve data flow problems in a React app.
How Redux Works: A Counter-Example https://daveceddia.com/how-does-redux-work/ A great follow-up to the previous article. It explains how to use Redux and React-Redux, by first showing a React component that stores a value in its internal state, and then refactoring it to use Redux instead. Along the way, the article explains important Redux terms and concepts, and how they all fit together to make the Redux data flow work properly.
Redux and React: An Introduction http://jakesidsmith.com/blog/post/2017-11-18-redux-and-react-an-introduction/ A great introduction to Redux's core concepts, with explanations of how to use the React-Redux package to use Redux with React.
Project-Based Tutorials
Tutorials that teach Redux concepts by building projects, including larger "real-world"-type applications
Practical Redux http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2016/10/practical-redux-part-0-introduction/ http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/series/practical-redux/ An ongoing series of posts intended to demonstrate a number of specific Redux techniques by building a sample application, based on the MekHQ application for managing Battletech campaigns. Written by Redux co-maintainer Mark Erikson. Covers topics like managing relational data, connecting multiple components and lists, complex reducer logic for features, handling forms, showing modal dialogs, and much more.
Building a Simple CRUD App with React + Redux http://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-a-simple-crud-app-with-react-redux-part-1/ A nifty 8-part series that demonstrates building a CRUD app, including routing, AJAX calls, and the various CRUD aspects. Very well written, with some useful diagrams as well.
The Soundcloud Client in React + Redux http://www.robinwieruch.de/the-soundcloud-client-in-react-redux/ A detailed walkthrough demonstrating project setup, routing, authentication, fetching of remote data, and wrapping of a stateful library.
Full-Stack Redux Tutorial http://teropa.info/blog/2015/09/10/full-stack-redux-tutorial.html A full-blown, in-depth tutorial that builds up a complete client-server application.
Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2016/03/getting-started-with-react-redux-and-immutable-a-test-driven-tutorial-part-1/ http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2016/03/getting-started-with-react-redux-and-immutable-a-test-driven-tutorial-part-2/ Another solid, in-depth tutorial, similar to the "Full-Stack" tutorial. Builds a client-only TodoMVC app, and demonstrates a good project setup (including a Mocha+JSDOM-based testing configuration). Well-written, covers many concepts, and very easy to follow.
Redux Hero: An Intro to Redux and Reselect https://decembersoft.com/posts/redux-hero-part-1-a-hero-is-born-a-fun-introduction-to-redux-js/ An introduction to Redux and related libraries through building a small RPG-style game
Redux Implementation
Explanations of how Redux works internally, by writing miniature reimplementations
Build Yourself a Redux https://zapier.com/engineering/how-to-build-redux/ An excellent in-depth "build a mini-Redux" article, which covers not only Redux's core, but also
and middleware as well.Connect.js explained https://gist.github.com/gaearon/1d19088790e70ac32ea636c025ba424e A very simplified version of React Redux's
function that illustrates the basic implementationLet's Write Redux! http://www.jamasoftware.com/blog/lets-write-redux/ Walks through writing a miniature version of Redux step-by-step, to help explain the concepts and implementation.
Articles discussing ways to write reducer functions
Taking Advantage of
http://randycoulman.com/blog/2016/11/22/taking-advantage-of-combinereducers/ Examples of usingcombineReducers
multiple times to produce a state tree, and some thoughts on tradeoffs in various approaches to reducer logic.The Power of Higher-Order Reducers http://slides.com/omnidan/hor#/ A slideshow from the author of redux-undo and other libraries, explaining the concept of higher-order reducers and how they can be used
Reducer composition with Higher Order Reducers https://medium.com/@mange_vibration/reducer-composition-with-higher-order-reducers-35c3977ed08f Some great examples of writing small functions that can be composed together to perform larger specific reducer tasks, such as providing initial state, filtering, updating specific keys, and more.
Higher Order Reducers - It just sounds scary https://medium.com/@danielkagan/high-order-reducers-it-just-sounds-scary-2b9e5dbfc705 Explains how reducers can be composed like Lego bricks to create reusable and testable reducer logic.
Explanations of how and why to use selector functions to read values from state
ReactCasts #8: Selectors in Redux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frT3to2ACCw A great overview of why and how to use selector functions to retrieve data from the store, and derive additional data from store values
Optimizing React Redux Application Development with Reselect https://codebrahma.com/reselect-tutorial-optimizing-react-redux-application-development-with-reselect/ A good tutorial on Reselect. Covers the concept of "selector functions", how to use Reselect's API, and how to use memoized selectors to improve performance.
Usage of Reselect in a React-Redux Application https://dashbouquet.com/blog/frontend-development/usage-of-reselect-in-a-react-redux-application Discusses the importance of memoized selectors for performance, and good practices for using Reselect.
React, Reselect, and Redux https://medium.com/@parkerdan/react-reselect-and-redux-b34017f8194c An explanation of how Reselect's memoized selector functions are useful in Redux apps, and how to create unique selector instances for each component instance.
How to structure the Redux store like a database for best performance
Querying a Redux Store https://medium.com/@adamrackis/querying-a-redux-store-37db8c7f3b0f A look at best practices for organizing and storing data in Redux, including normalizing data and use of selector functions.
Normalizing Redux Stores for Maximum Code Reuse https://medium.com/@adamrackis/normalizing-redux-stores-for-maximum-code-reuse-ae6e3844ae95 Thoughts on how normalized Redux stores enable some useful data handling approaches, with examples of using selector functions to denormalize hierarchical data.
Redux Normalizr: Improve your State Management http://www.robinwieruch.de/the-soundcloud-client-in-react-redux-normalizr/ A tutorial describing how to use Normalizr for improved data management of nested data in Redux
Advanced Redux Entity Normalization https://medium.com/@dcousineau/advanced-redux-entity-normalization-f5f1fe2aefc5 Describes a "keyWindow" concept for tracking subsets of entities in state, similar to an SQL "view". A useful extension to the idea of normalized data.
Explanations and examples of how middleware work and how to write them
Exploring Redux Middlewares http://blog.krawaller.se/posts/exploring-redux-middleware/ Understanding middlewares through a series of small experiments
Redux Middleware Tutorial http://www.pshrmn.com/tutorials/react/redux-middleware/ An overview of what middleware is, how
works, and how to write middleware.ReactCasts #6: Redux Middleware https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-qtHI1qHIg A screencast that describes how middleware fit into Redux, their uses, and how to implement a custom middleware
A Beginner's Guide to Redux Middleware https://www.codementor.io/reactjs/tutorial/beginner-s-guide-to-redux-middleware A useful explanation of middleware use cases, with numerous examples
Side Effects - Basics
Introductions to handling async behavior in Redux
Stack Overflow: Dispatching Redux Actions with a Timeout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35411423/how-to-dispatch-a-redux-action-with-a-timeout/35415559#35415559 Dan Abramov explains the basics of managing async behavior in Redux, walking through a progressive series of approaches (inline async calls, async action creators, thunk middleware).
Stack Overflow: Why do we need middleware for async flow in Redux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34570758/why-do-we-need-middleware-for-async-flow-in-redux/34599594#34599594 Dan Abramov gives reasons for using thunks and async middleware, and some useful patterns for using thunks.
What the heck is a "thunk"? https://daveceddia.com/what-is-a-thunk/ A quick explanation for what the word "thunk" means in general, and for Redux specifically.
Thunks in Redux: The Basics https://medium.com/fullstack-academy/thunks-in-redux-the-basics-85e538a3fe60 A detailed look at what thunks are, what they solve, and how to use them.
Side Effects - Advanced
Advanced tools and techniques for managing async behavior
What is the right way to do asynchronous operations in Redux? https://decembersoft.com/posts/what-is-the-right-way-to-do-asynchronous-operations-in-redux/ An excellent look at the most popular libraries for Redux side effects, with comparisons of how each one works.
Redux 4 Ways https://medium.com/react-native-training/redux-4-ways-95a130da0cdc Side-by-side comparisons of implementing some basic data fetching using thunks, sagas, observables, and a promise middleware
Idiomatic Redux: Thoughts on Thunks, Sagas, Abstractions, and Reusability http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2017/01/idiomatic-redux-thoughts-on-thunks-sagas-abstraction-and-reusability/ A response to several "thunks are bad" concerns, arguing that thunks (and sagas) are still a valid approach for managing complex sync logic and async side effects.
Javascript Power Tools: Redux-Saga http://formidable.com/blog/2017/javascript-power-tools-redux-saga/ http://formidable.com/blog/2017/composition-patterns-in-redux-saga/ http://formidable.com/blog/2017/real-world-redux-saga-patterns/ A fantastic series that teaches the concepts, implementation, and benefits behind Redux-Saga, including how ES6 generators are used to control function flow, how sagas can be composed together to accomplish concurrency, and practical use cases for sagas.
Exploring Redux Sagas https://medium.com/onfido-tech/exploring-redux-sagas-cc1fca2015ee An excellent article that explores how to use sagas to provide a glue layer to implement decoupled business logic in a Redux application.
Taming Redux with Sagas https://objectpartners.com/2017/11/20/taming-redux-with-sagas/ A good overview of Redux-Saga, including info on generator functions, use cases for sagas, using sagas to deal with promises, and testing sagas.
Reactive Redux State with RxJS https://ivanjov.com/reactive-redux-state-with-rxjs/ Describes the concept of "Reactive PRogramming" and the RxJS library, and shows how to use redux-observable to fetch data, along with examples of testing.
Using redux-observable to handle asynchronous logic in Redux https://medium.com/dailyjs/using-redux-observable-to-handle-asynchronous-logic-in-redux-d49194742522 An extended post that compares a thunk-based implementation of handling a line-drawing example vs an observable-based implementation.
Thinking in Redux
Deeper looks at how Redux is meant to be used, and why it works the way it does
You Might Not Need Redux https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/you-might-not-need-redux-be46360cf367 Dan Abramov discusses the tradeoffs involved in using Redux.
Idiomatic Redux: The Tao of Redux, Part 1 - Implementation and Intent http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2017/05/idiomatic-redux-tao-of-redux-part-1/ A deep dive into how Redux actually works, the constraints it asks you to follow, and the intent behind its design and usage.
Idiomatic Redux: The Tao of Redux, Part 2 - Practice and Philosophy http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2017/05/idiomatic-redux-tao-of-redux-part-2/ A follow-up look at why common Redux usage patterns exist, other ways that Redux can be used, and thoughts on the pros and cons of those different patterns and approaches.
What's So Great About Redux? https://medium.freecodecamp.org/whats-so-great-about-redux-ac16f1cc0f8b https://storify.com/acemarke/redux-pros-cons-and-limitations https://twitter.com/modernserf/status/886426115874717697 Deep and fascinating analysis of how Redux compares to OOP and message-passing, how typical Redux usage can devolve towards Java-like "setter" functions with more boilerplate, and something of a plea for a higher-level "blessed" abstraction on top of Redux to make it easier to work with and learn for newbies. Very worth reading. The author originally wrote a tweetstorm, which is captured in the Storify link, and wrote the blog post to expand on those thoughts. Finally, he followed up with a few more thoughts on abstract vs concrete examples in another shorter tweet thread.
Redux Architecture
Patterns and practices for structuring larger Redux applications
Avoiding Accidental Complexity When Structuring Your App State https://hackernoon.com/avoiding-accidental-complexity-when-structuring-your-app-state-6e6d22ad5e2a An excellent set of guidelines for organizing your Redux store structure.
Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps https://hackernoon.com/redux-step-by-step-a-simple-and-robust-workflow-for-real-life-apps-1fdf7df46092 A follow-up to the "Accidental Complexity" article, discussing principle
Things I Wish I Knew About Redux https://medium.com/horrible-hacks/things-i-wish-i-knew-about-redux-9924abf2f9e0 https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/4taau2/things_i_wish_i_knew_about_redux/ A number of excellent tips and lessons learned after building an app with Redux. Includes info on connecting components, selecting data, and app/project structure. Additional discussion on Reddit.
React+Redux: Tips and Best Practices for Clean, Reliable, & Maintainable Code https://speakerdeck.com/goopscoop/react-plus-redux-tips-and-best-practices-for-clean-reliable-and-scalable-code An excellent slideshow with a wide variety of tips and suggestions, including keeping action creators simple and data manipulation in reducers, abstracting away API calls, avoiding spreading props, and more.
Redux for state management in large web apps https://www.mapbox.com/blog/redux-for-state-management-in-large-web-apps/ Excellent discussion and examples of idiomatic Redux architecture, and how Mapbox applies those approaches to their Mapbox Studio application.
Apps and Examples
React-Redux RealWorld Example: TodoMVC for the Real World https://github.com/GoThinkster/redux-review An example full-stack "real world" application built with Redux. Demos a Medium-like social blogging site that includes JWT authentication, CRUD, favoriting articles, following users, routing, and more. The RealWorld project also includes many other implementations of the front and back ends of the site, specifically intended to show how different server and client implementations of the same project and API spec compare with each other.
Project Mini-Mek https://github.com/markerikson/project-minimek A sample app to demonstrate various useful Redux techniques, accompanying the "Practical Redux" blog series at http://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/series/practical-redux
react-redux-yelp-clone https://github.com/mohamed-ismat/react-redux-yelp-clone An adaptation of the "Yelp Clone" app by FullStackReact. It extends the original by using Redux and Redux Saga instead of local state, as well as React Router v4, styled-components, and other modern standards. Based on the React-Boilerplate starter kit.
WordPress-Calypso https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso The new JavaScript- and API-powered WordPress.com
Sound-Redux https://github.com/andrewngu/sound-redux A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
Webamp https://webamp.org https://github.com/captbaritone/webamp An in-browser recreation of Winamp2, built with React and Redux. Actually plays MP3s, and lets you load in local MP3 files.
Tello https://github.com/joshwcomeau/Tello A simple and delightful way to track and manage TV shows
io-808 https://github.com/vincentriemer/io-808 An attempt at a fully recreated web-based TR-808 drum machine
Redux Docs Translations
中文文档 — Chinese
繁體中文文件 — Traditional Chinese
Redux in Russian — Russian
Redux en Español - Spanish
Redux in Action https://www.manning.com/books/redux-in-action A comprehensive book that covers many key aspects of using Redux, including the basics of reducers and actions and use with React, complex middlewares and side effects, application structure, performance, testing, and much more. Does a great job of explaining the pros, cons, and tradeoffs of many approaches to using Redux. Personally recommended by Redux co-maintainer Mark Erikson.
The Complete Redux Book https://leanpub.com/redux-book How do I manage a large state in production? Why do I need store enhancers? What is the best way to handle form validations? Get the answers to all these questions and many more using simple terms and sample code. Learn everything you need to use Redux to build complex and production-ready web applications. (Note: now permanently free!)
Modern React with Redux, by Stephen Grider (paid) https://www.udemy.com/react-redux/ Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps with React Router, Webpack, and ES6. This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.
Redux, by Tyler McGinnis (paid) https://tylermcginnis.com/courses/redux/ When learning Redux, you need to learn it in the context of an app big enough to see the benefits. That's why this course is huge. A better name might be 'Real World Redux. If you're sick of "todo list" Redux tutorials, you've come to the right place. In this course we'll talk all about what makes Redux special for managing state in your application. We'll build an actual "real world" application so you can see how Redux handles edge cases like optimistic updates and error handling. We'll also cover many other technologies that work well with Redux, Firebase, and CSS Modules.
Learn Redux, by Wes Bos (free) https://learnredux.com/ A video course that walks through building 'Reduxstagram' — a simple photo app that will simplify the core ideas behind Redux, React Router and React.js
More Resources
React-Redux Links is a curated list of high-quality articles, tutorials, and related content for React, Redux, ES6, and more.
Redux Ecosystem Links is a categorized collection of Redux-related libraries, addons, and utilities.
Awesome Redux is an extensive list of Redux-related repositories.
Last updated